your home life was miserable! your wife's inability to tolerate you made it impossible for you to tolerate her, such a reciprocal shitshow of a situation! She resented you since the honeymoon period ended with her noticing that you don't seem to give a shit about anything but work, or after you complained that she shops too much, or after she got that first taste of some of other man's cock What began as a few grey clouds in the sky evolved into a full-fledged Category 5 hurricane, swirling both your depressing lives straight down the toilet. You asked yourself daily why you continued to go through the motions, why you continued making her life comfortable while she seemed to take pleasure in your discomfort; it was familiar, it was easy, you would rather stay than watch her take all of what's left of you...
Then came a day that the clouds parted and a smile returned to your face; the day time stood still when you met your solace, your salvation, your perfect Goddess.
Goddess is something worthy of the attention and devotion you've been so starved of comfortably giving. She is more desirable, more direct, more everything that you could imagine. She is all the good, and none of the bad! Her intelligence and insight shine, and have brought to light some excellent points-what sense is there in breaking your neck daily for what you have both deemed an unworthy cause? What pleasure do you receive anymore in spending your hard-earned money? Why not invest yourself in something you enjoy? your wife demands action, time and money regularly, but with such a boring and assuming tone; the demanding ways of yourGoddess excite you in a very new way, so powerfully that you don't hesitate to drop to your knees and obey Her any command, thankfully and immediately. Goddess doesn’t take no for an answer as She commands respect, understanding that She's most deserving and capable of enjoying the fruits of your labor. you give freely, and the privilege of seeing Her enjoy your appreciation is dizzying! From the moment all of you is Hers, you find even the most tedious day, tolerable. As you worship your Goddess wholly and regularly, remember to thank the heavens for such luck to find a worthy purpose and a second chance at happiness in life!
